A lot of us do not realize how lethal flies can be. They carry a lot of disease-…

One other thing that can bring in unwanted pests is our clothes. Before you stac…
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Centipedes are just a no-no! They are dangerous and can cause health damages. Th…
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A lot of us do not realize how lethal flies can be. They carry a lot of disease-…

A lot of us do not realize how lethal flies can be. They carry a lot of disease-causing pathogens. In fact, a lot more than cockroaches carry. You can prevent them by cleaning your house regularly. If you have pets, clean after their waste. Don’t let the trash bin left open. Reduce the places that flies can breed. You can then call the help from professionals to ensure a 100% elimination of these pests. To set up an appointment or more info please call GoForward at (082)2845377/ 09124126858 #goforward #pestcontrol #goforwarddavao


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